Wednesday, January 20, 2010

JCA Day 78 "K" also is for KIWI!!!

This is a kiwi! Only a few had seen a kiwi before.....
So.....we cut it open to see what it looked like in the middle.....
Then we touched it......
and smelled it.......
So then.......we ate it!!!
It was awesome!
We thought kiwis were pretty cool!!!....and strawberries and oranges and blueberries, too!

Ms. Corrina gave us a life lesson today!
How to take our jacket off without turning the sleeves inside out!
We practiced after recess.....and did pretty good!

We had letter cards......
and we used them to make words!
We could change the words up by only moving one letter at a time!!!

One of our activities in math today was counting chips......
We stacked them into piles of 5.....
Then......we counted by 5s to count our chips......
Then.....we put them in piles of 10s....and counted by 10s!!!

Next, we played a game using a "blow-up" dice.....
Whatever number we rolled, that's how many gigantic steps we got to take!
It was loads of fun!

We reviewed our story about King David and "built" his castle.
We also took turns reciting Romans 8:28:
All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose.
Do you know it? That makes the 9th scripture we have memorized!

Another wonderful day at JCA!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey now! I shared the chocolate chip cookies. Where is the fruit pizza love? Looked wonderful and Brady said it tasted even better. Love JCA
