Tuesday, January 19, 2010

JCA Day 77 "K" is for KETTLE Corn!!!

Brayden and Henrietta had a fabulous time this weekend!!!

We started the letter "K" today....
Kettle Corn starts with "K"....AND IT IS YUMMY!
Stayed tuned this week to see what other yummy treats start with "K"!!!

In case you don't know......
This is a reindeer being "driven" by Santa!

We worked with money today.... Nickels are worth 5 cents!!!
We are concentrating...
and counting....
and thinking.....
SO hard!!!

Our Bible story this week is about King David.
Samuel, the prophet, was sent to annoint a son of Jesse's to become the next king of Israel.
David was Jesse's youngest son......Samuel annointed him to be king....then.....
he went back to tending the sheep. It wasn't time for him to be king just yet.
It was many years before he became the actual king.
God doesn't look at our outward appearance...
He looks at our heart.
David had a heart for the Lord!

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