Tuesday, October 13, 2009

JCA Day 35 "N"

Today we worked at our centers. This center was about patterns and sequencing.... putting the bugs in the right order!
This group is working on computers with Miss Abby.
She helped out today so Ms. Crill could individually test each student to check our nine-week progress.
This group is working on file folders with Ms. Corrina.
CHECK OUT the horseshoe table!!!
Our new tables came in and we are SO excited!!! We have red.....
and green!!! SILENT SCREAM!!!!!
This week we are learning the letter "N"......can you tell?????
Sadie came for PE today.......another bit of excitement!
THEN........... Jo'Claire's mom surprised us with.......
ICE CREAM!!!!!!!
It was wonderful! None of us had ever tried it before: YUMMY!!!

This week is about the letter "N" and the number "9".......
And Noah and the ark. We've already learned about Noah earlier this year, but it was only appropriate to revisit him this week!
Nachos anyone????

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