Friday, October 9, 2009

JCA Day 34 Fire Prevention Week

Today was a very busy day! First, we made a dove with tissue paper.
John the Baptist baptized Jesus, and when he came up out of the water, a dove descended on him. So......we made a dove.
The Knowles Fire Department came today. This was National Fire Prevention Week....
We saw all of their equipment and learned about what they do on their jobs.
Then, they taught us how to Stop, Drop, and Roll in case we are ever involved in a fire.
We especially liked the "rolling" part!
They brought us all fire helmets!
We all got to climb up in the fire truck......
You can't see us, but we are waving from inside the truck!
Knowles Fire Department and JCA students!
Knowles Fire Department is GREAT!
Oh......we also had a fire drill!
Then, we made some little firemen of our very own!

They were really cute!

During PE today, we learned how to play Red Rover.....
Red Rover, Red Rover.....
Let Carter come over!
Guess who takes Henrietta home this weekend??????
Oh, boy!!

1 comment:

  1. The busy-ness of the week is amazing. I am sure those little guys are exhausted by the end and well educated to boot. Great teaching, activities and fun. No doubt the parents are WAY impressed with all you do. Once again, I want to come to school with you with all the fun and learning that is getting done.
    Shelley Weber
