Tuesday, September 29, 2009

JCA Day 27

We played with frogs today. We sorted and counted little frogs, medium-size frogs and large frogs. We sorted sizes and colors. We counted the red ones, yellow ones, purple ones, green ones, and orange ones. We counted the total number of frogs, too! Lots of frogs!!
We watched the Veggie Tale movie, Jonah, today. We got very comfortable first!
God told Jonah to go to Ninevah and tell the people to turn from their wicked ways, but Jonah didn't want to go to Ninevah! He went to Tarshish instead, got in a storm, got kicked out of the ship, and ended up in the belly of a whale for three days. He came to his senses and told God he was sorry, and the whale spit him out on dry land! He did go on to Ninevah and told them God was going to destroy them if they did not repent and turn from their wicked ways. They, too, turned from their sins, and God did not destroy them....which made Jonah mad! He thought they needed to get what they deserved. BUT.....we learned that God is a God of second chances! He gave Jonah AND the people of Ninevah a second chance!
We need to give others a second chance as well, and when we need a second chance, we hope others will do the same for us.
More frog counting and sorting!
We used clay to make all of our vowels.......
in capitals and lower case.......
as well as.....the "T" and the "L", too.....
(Jo'Claire lost a front tooth!)
Modeling clay is ALOT of fun!
Sadie came today........
PE was fun with Duck, Duck, Goose.......
Passing the ball around......
Playing Ring Around the Rosie.....
Practicing our letters....

This week we are working on "L" and the number 7.

This morning in our Bible study, we talked about the Lost Son (Prodigal Son).....
He blew his inheritance, wanted to eat the slop the pigs were eating because he was SO hungry, went home to hopefully become one of his dad's hired hands.........And, to his surprise, his dad welcomed him home and threw him a party! This, of course, made the older brother angry because he had been there all along and had not left his father. His father told him that all he had would be his.......and he needed to realize that his younger brother WAS lost and NOW he was found! It was time to celebrate!!!
Once again, we see that God and the father in this parable gave the young man a second chance!
God is the God of second chances!!!

We had three students out this morning with fever, etc.....plus Ms. Corrina went home with fever as well. We prayed for everyone during our prayer time.
Up until the last week or so, Ms. Corrina or I had always taken turns praying in our prayer circle. It has been the coolest thing.....the kids are raising their hands and wanting to take a turn praying each morning! Their prayers are so pure and straight to the point.
Oh......to have childlike faith!

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