Friday, September 25, 2009

JCA Day 26 Applebees!

Well......this picture was really dark. I tried to remove it, but couldn't figure it out so..... here it is. You can hardly tell, but we are just in our classroom before our field trip to APPLEBEES!
Here we are walking into Applebees for our tour. We are SO excited!
Did you know that there are 1900 Applebees worldwide.....second only to McDonald's??? And... every Applebees has a carousel horse! So when you go in any Applebees, look for their signature carousel horse! And....this is Dustin, the manager of Applebees in Hobbs. He was really nice to us!
We were given a grand tour of the kitchen. Applebees in Hobbs serves 300 people per day! Can you believe that????
Their dishwasher cost $9000!
It was just under 50 degrees in their refrigerator, but by the time we left the walk-in frig, we could have sworn it was at least 20 below! BRRRRRRR!
The kids were given their own menus to color with crayons, and then they also drew and colored their own pictures. The pictures were supposed to have something to do with apples. We have talked about apples all week because tomorrow is Johnny Appleseed's birthday and that is why we chose to go to APPLEbees this week. The pictures will be displayed on the their wall for a couple of weeks.
We ONLY had tea, water, or soda........promise!
The food was great, Dustin gave the kids each a goodie sack to take home, and Applebees gave JCA a bag full of crayons, construction paper, scissors, glue, stickers, and all kinds of "school stuff." We had a great time!
Hopefully, we know a little bit more about the restaurant business as well!
Back at school, we made finger puppets. Each puppet represented a child from a different country. Then we sang "Jesus Loves the Little Children." You know..... red, brown, yellow, black, and white.....they are precious in his sight.
Jesus loves all the children in the world!
They are truly precious!
It was shopping day!!!
Henrietta is spending this weekend with Mr. Brady Bean!!!
Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. That Brady Bean is a cute little boy. Who does he belong to? Must be good looking parents. Ha!!! Absolutely love ready the blog everyday. Keep up the good work. Love you oodles.
