Wednesday, September 9, 2009

JCA: Christopher Columbus

Today, we met Christopher Columbus!
Well, not really, but we learned about Christopher Columbus and the fact that he is credited with discovering America! You know, he was one of the few in that day that believed Earth was actually round instead of flat. Many thought Columbus would sail right off the edge!
We found Spain where he sailed from.......and we found North America where he sailed to. He basically "bumped" into America! He thought he was in India....therefore Indians!
This week we have talked quite a bit about Earth being round, how it rotates, and how it revolves. We've talked about the sun and how it does not move at all. We have also discussed day and night and how that happens.
We remembered how God created the heavens and Earth. He made it round, and He made seedtime and harvest, hot and cold, winter and summer, and day and night!
(Hannah M's family is in the process of harvesting beans!)
This is the week of the letter "A". We used clay today to make capital and lower case "a", "e", "i", and "u". We also learned a chant about each of the letters and the sounds they make.
Of course, we didn't just make letters!
It was raining today, so our weather bear has on a rain hat, rain coat, rain boots, and is carrying an umbrella. Therefore, our morning recess was inside! We practiced throwing/catching balls and......
Then, it was Duck, Duck, Goose!
Another great day at JCA!
(There will be no blog tomorrow......will be back blogging on Friday.)

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