Friday, September 11, 2009

Guest Post from Margo

I wanted you all to hear the encouragement I received from Margo. Margo is on our JCA School Board and has been an integral part in helping, prayerfully and physically, in getting JCA started. She helped the first week of school until Ms. Corrina was able to come, and then "subbed" this week while I was gone to the funeral. She told me we were "way ahead of the game"! Following are her comments regarding the progress of the JCA students so far (with her permission).

Hi JCA family,
I want to tell you how much I enjoyed seeing the JCA students and helping Ms. Corrina Thursday. Ms. Crill, I see a big improvement from the first two days of school until now. I am amazed at the wonderful progress these students have made in a short time. Their handwriting is improving, they are focused for longer periods of time, and they are developing habits that support great character traits. Parents, I taught 1st grade in the public schools for five years and I have a Master's degree in Literacy and Reading in Elementary, and I want to reassure you that you have made a quality decision in placing your children in JCA. What Ms. Crill does not know about teaching kindergarten students she is relying on other experienced teachers who have the solutions to guide her. I know these students will continue to learn at an accelerated pace because of the Christian environment, excellent curriculum, low stress surroundings, and the ratio of ten students to two teachers.
Keep up the great work,
Margo Smith


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