Saturday, June 20, 2009

Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes

Okay!  This is so far!  I have heard that some are having a bit of trouble commenting.  Keep trying because three people have commented and it worked, so since I'm really not very "technical," I have no idea how to help you!  

I did want to comment on "nothing changes if nothing changes!"  This is a quote from Joyce Meyer, and it is SO true.  So many times we wish something would change.  Well, if nothing changes, then nothing changes.  If there is something that we want to be different, we must make some kind of change.  For many years, I just wished we had a Christian school at CJC.  Of course, there has also been lots of prayer devoted to it as well, but I sure wished it was already in place.  But, other than pray occasionally, I really did nothing to start the ball rolling.  I always thought we would have to have a building in place and teachers hired, etc. etc. Then back in October, I just felt so strongly that God showed me we could start with the facility we already have and with the people we have!  Boy, did things begin to change!  Phone calls, advisory board, research about private Christian schools, a survey.........and now in a little less than two months school will start!  Is God good or what????  Something had to change.  The wishing had to stop!  Now, I don't suggest jumping off that limb without God, but when you know He has laid something on your heart, I think it's good to step out and test the water.  Otherwise, nothing changes if nothing changes!

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