Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Learn Something New Today

Great news!!  I received a notification that the laptops are on their way!  I am SO excited about having these laptops for the kids!  I've even been investigating some really awesome websites (that are free) for them that have interactive reading and math games.  Cigi and Sadie both have laptops (my computer is on the blink) and I can sit for quite some time on one of their computers searching for and playing Kindergarten games.  They are even MORE excited than I am that the laptops are on their way because then I will  have one of my own!  Which brings me to the next situation.......these are Mac computers which are really different from what I am used to!  How many of you have noticed all the new words we have now......like IPOD, Mac, MP3.......not to mention even words like internet, blogging, twittering, and texting.  I mean when I grew up we did not have those words.....and there are many more words we could add to this list!  My point is that things definitely change!  And.....we have to learn new things like how to work all these new fandangled technical "things"!  However difficult that may be (I know both of my girls are dreading the upcoming teaching time on how to operate a Mac), we always need to be lifelong learners.  Whether it is comprehension skills, "new" math, the Word of God, or operating a Mac, we need to be constantly learning! I am betting that the Kindergarten students absolutely LOVE the Mac, and I also bet they catch on amazingly quick and will be teaching me things before long!  Learn something new today!


  1. things are definitely changing and you are doing a great job! I'm learning everyday something new--technology and about our Lord. God is good. I am so proud of you.

  2. Okay. I am going to try again! Yep, I agree, life is all about learning! I admire you for embracing this "new stuff" so enthusiastically! Pictures are great except the one with the cat. Good grief!! love you, sally

  3. I love the pointing picture. Everything you said was so thoughtfilled and positive. I AM SO EXCITED. Each time I talk with you I know it is God lead and blessed. Love you, Shelley

  4. If Ty and Cigi can use a Mac I know that you and I can. So excited for Brady to be one of JCA's students. I can't wait to see how in one year he will learn so much.
