Thursday, August 16, 2012

Welcome Back for the 2012-13 School Year

     Welcome back!  School is officially in session again.  These first 2 days have been a great success! If you have followed the blog closely you know that I was a little behind last year, and again I give my apologies for that.  Too many irons in the fire you might say.  So, I plan on staying on top of things this year and will be posting about our most exciting activities as they occur.
     I would like to share with you that we currently have 67 students enrolled for K-5th, Praise God!!  The school is growing, which is exactly what we hope and pray and plan for. This year's theme is UNITY.  Love always assumes the best, Keep short accounts, and Seize Responsibility.
     August will allow us to get back into a routine, learn rules and expectations and procedures.  In September our younger kids will attend the Staked Plains Round-Up hosted by NMJC and in October our older kids will make a trip to the Corn Maize in Lubbock.  We are so excited to have been blessed with these children, parents, staff & aids. Please cover us in prayer, and know that we pray for you as well!!  JCA ARE YOU PUMPED UP??!!!  HUAH!!