Saturday, January 28, 2012

January 2012

We welcome the year of 2012.

Hard at work, studying the letter "K"

with field trip to Kaleidoscoops!
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!
Keeping our classes small make this possible!

Mr. Who spent the weekend with Raelynn

For their science unit, this class tasted roots,
stems, and leaves!
I wonder what they tasted like?

Then they made penguins

This went along with their English lesson

Learning while you eat sounds great to me!

Next, making snowballs

out of marshmallows!

To help with the study of plants,

first graders made mosaic art

from seeds!

Lots of hands on activities this month!

Art time for 2nd and 3rd graders

The new JCA shirts look great!!!

Luke's clay sculpture

What a beautiful butterfly

Fun in the sun, and the Frog class!

Brandon's clay creation

This is Jon's work. Looks great.

Must be science time

JCA 4th graders

We also had the wonderful blessing of receiving our New Classroom this month!!!! Thank you Jesus! This new classroom will be home to Ms. June and Ms. Maggi. We hope to be moved in before spring break, so keep it in your prayers that everything will be done so we can get into those beautiful rooms.

Coming in on the trucks!!!! God is Good.

Put in place.

Ms. June's room!! Notice how lovely everything is.

Same room, view 2

Ms. Maggi's room

Two restrooms and water fountains in between the classes.

JCA also held it's first Spelling Bee this month.
The students worked hard and did a wonderful job.

JCA's finalists were Luke, Sophie and Diana
Good job!!
Luke went on to represent JCA in the county spelling bee, and we want to say Luke, we are so proud of you and your achievements. You worked hard and represented us well!

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