Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week #2 at JCA!!!

This week the Kindergarteners studied the letter "i"....
So.......they had an ice cream party!!!
See the ice cream cones they made?????
Ms. Krissy's mom brought out her ice cream truck!!!
We ALLLLL enjoyed the letter "i"!!!!

Paige took Mr. Whoo home with her this weekend!
What fun!

We had a relay game at Power Up on Friday!
We learned that God's word is a lamp to our feet
and a light to our path......
We made a path to a Bible, and....
We sang "I'm getting into the Bible, and the Bible
is getting into me!" YEAH!

The 4th and 5th graders dug up last year's time capsule!
They had written letters to God expressing how they hoped
to grow in Him over the summer.
Wonder what their letters said?????

Last, but certainly not least......
Approximately 25 parents came to install insulation
and new ceiling tiles in Ms. Maggi's room....
Paint the boys' bathroom.....
Paint student chairs.......
New ceiling tiles in Ms. Shelley's room......
Of course, the trash had to be hauled off!
And, finally, sit in front of the fan and cool off a bit!
A HUGE THANK YOU to all of you who came to help out!
Our students and staff are SO going to appreciate cooler rooms!
And nice chairs.......and bathroom!
You guys ROCK!!!