Sunday, September 26, 2010

First OFFICIAL Week in our Buildings!

It was WONDERFUL that our first day IN our new buildings was
All across the nation.....schools were praying for our nation and schools
around the flag pole.
This was on Wednesday.....
On Tuesday, we were not yet allowed in our buildings.......
Waiting on an electrical inspection.......
(This picture is actually from the Staked Plains Roundup)
So.......we took a trip to Carlsbad Caverns!!
It was a LONG walk, but a FUN day!!!
Park Ranger Kadin!

We LOVE LOVE LOVE our playground!!!
Kobe was our flag pole since we don't have one yet.....
JCA EVEN made the FRONT page of the Hobbs paper!!!
Great witness for our school!

We finished off the week with Power Up!
We sang some songs.....
Like......."HEY.....Jesus loves me!"
And.......the frogs re-enacted the story of Abraham and Isaac.....
God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.....
God wanted to see if Abraham would trust Him to provide .....
God provided a ram whose horns were caught in a thicket.....
Abraham took Isaac, his servants, and the donkey back home after
sacrificing the ram.
We are learning that we can totally trust God!!!

A science experiment in the Multi-Level Class.....
We had an INCREDIBLE first week in our new buildings at JCA!!!

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