Wednesday, April 7, 2010

JCA We Still Say the Pledge!!!

We start every morning with the Pledge of Allegiance and........
the pledge to the Christian Flag......
We also say the pledge to the Bible.......and......
We have a prayer time!

At center time today..........we played a game.....
listening for the vowel sound in the middle of the word!

We cut out clocks and told the time with them.....
We also had computer time, math center, and reading time!

Ms. Shannon came today and brought a really awesome game for us!
We rolled dice and moved our bean bags.....
THEN.....we did whatever exercise the bean bag was on!
We worked ourselves OUT!
It was TOO much fun!!!

This week we are reviewing Adam.
God created, seas, birds, fish, sun, moon, stars, animals.....
and then Adam! And then Eve.....
God gave him three jobs: take care of the garden, name the animals.....
and make sure Eve was obedient to God!
Well, Eve was not obedient to God....the serpent convinced her to eat the apple
from the tree that they were not supposed to eat from.
Sin entered the world, and Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden.
But God still loved them and provided for them!
And HE loves us, too!

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