Saturday, April 17, 2010

JCA Trail Mix, T-Chart, and God Provides!!!

This week, we discussed how the Israelites wandered around for 40 years in the desert.
God provided for them the entire time with manna and quail.
We didn't have manna and quail, but we did have trail mix!
Cheerios, Fruit Loops, Cheese Nips, Marshmallows, and White Chocolate Chips!!!
Yummy trail mix!!!

We practiced our daily sentences identifying and circling words....
And we always practice our Star Words!

We also learned some things about George Washington and Abe Lincoln today.....
We compared their hats, their homes, and the money their faces appear on....
We put it all on a T-Chart!

We've also been talking about how God provided for Elijah!
God used ravens to bring bread and meat for Elijah!
God provides for us, too!

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