Tuesday, February 9, 2010

JCA Day 89 The World of Technology!!!

We finally have our ELMO, projector, and computer hooked up!
We HAD to have a silent scream to celebrate!!!
ELMOs and projectors are PRETTY amazing!
If you are not familiar with them, you should stop by sometime and let us show you what all can be done with this technology!
We LOVE it!!!

We watched a Brainpop Jr. movie using the projector and computer today about migration.
Migration has a lot to do with HOT, COLD, the position of the sun, the equator....
So here......Tristan is portraying the sun and he is "shining"!
The earth is spinning on its axis.....
The day is warmer than the night because of the position of the earth to the sun.
We talked about the seasons and hot and cold....
We are all ready for summer!!!
In one of our centers this afternoon, we had a file folder game where we decided if the items were common to hot weather or cold weather.
Then we made a graph!

Miss Talia came today for music!
We decorated and made booklets about......
quarter notes and half notes......
and whole notes......
It was fun!
How do you like this booklet?????

Our Bible story this week is about Young Jesus.
His parents found him with the teachers at the temple as a 12-year old boy!
He was SO drawn to the things of God....even then!

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