Tuesday, February 2, 2010

JCA Day 85 Groundhog Day

Henrietta and Logan jumped on the bed this weekend!!!

Pennsylvania is a LONG way from New Mexico where the "official" groundhog is!
Today is Groundhog Day! Six more weeks of winter because he saw his shadow!

Walnuts starts with "W"!!
And they are SO good!

A brand new game today with SEQUENCING!
It was FUN!!!

Our first Scholastic magazine!
We learned about groundhogs today!
They eat flowers and nuts with their "hands"!
Do we look like groundhogs??
Sure hope we don't eat like this at home tonight!!!
Oh dear!!!

Our Bible story this week is about the Woman at the Well! (Starts with "W").
Jesus met her there.......forgave her of her sins.......she became a new woman with a new life....
and then she went and told others about Jesus!
Sounds like something we should all do!!!
Jesus is so good to us!

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