Thursday, January 14, 2010

JCA Day 75 "J" is also for JELLY BEANS!!!

Part of our morning routine is adding one penny to our "piggy bank"...
One penny = 1 cent!
Today, Tristan added one penny which made 75 cents in our "piggy bank!"

Jo'Claire is our place value person this week, and she added one more straw to our count.
We have seven bundles of ten straws, and we have five ones....75 straws!!!
That means we have been in school 75 days....ONLY 25 DAYS UNTIL ....

Looks loud......really......IT IS A SILENT SCREAM!!!!
They were so good they were able to remove five more cotton balls from the jar!!!

We made a jelly bean graph today...
We sorted.....
and counted our jelly beans......
Then, we made our graph.....
We put the jelly beans right on our graph, then we knew exactly how many squares to color in!
A finished graph! And the jelly beans were YUMMY!!!

We also did "the beanie bag dance!"
We danced with it on our head!
It's trickier than it looks!!!

This is not is not is MUSIC!!!
Once again, music was all about listening!
It was TOO MUCH FUN!!!

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