Tuesday, January 5, 2010

JCA Day 69 Loaves and Fish

We had a great first day back after Christmas break!
Today our Bible lesson was about Jesus' miracle with the loaves and the fish....
Did you know that Jesus took a basket from a young boy that only had 5 loaves and 2 fish....
With that, He fed over 10,000 people!!!!
So we made baskets today...
The basket was an ice cream cone, with a licorice stick for the basket handle...
a fruit rollup is the cloth, 2 fish crackers, and 5 bicotti sticks!

We learned how to play a board game counting by fives...rolling die!!!!

AND........we met our new music teacher:
We were SO excited!!!
It was Miss Talia!!!
Everyone had a chance to play the drums...
We had to listen VERY closely...
Miss Talia would make a drum beat...
And we had to copy it!!!!
It was a BLAST!!!
She put us on two teams.....
If someone on our team was not listening....
We would have to pop a balloon!
NOBODY had to pop a balloon!!!!
It was SO much fun!!

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