Friday, October 30, 2009


Look at this wonderful pumpkin CAKE!!!
Not only is it TOO CUTE........It was DELICIOUS!
Brayden's mom made this for us!

Girls in their costumes....... BEAUTIFUL!
Super Girl, a kitty cat, A & M cheerleader, a holstein cow, and an angel!
Boys in their costumes......
Batman, the hulk, ninja turtle, cowboy, and a super hero!
We filled our day with pumpkin activities.
We started with two pumpkins.......we measured the circumference of each pumpkin.....
we weighed each pumpkin.....
Then, we cleaned all the icky pulp and seeds out of both pumpkins.
The girls had one pumpkin and the boys had the other one.
Next, we counted the seeds in each pumpkin:
Girls' pumpkin had 360 seeds.....
Boys' pumpkin had 376 seeds.
Then we cooked them and..........ATE them!
Ms. Corrina carved a pumpkin for us and explained.....
how the gunk on the inside of the pumpkin is a lot like the sin that is in our lives.
We invite Jesus in, He cleans us up, and puts his light on the inside of us.....
just like this pumpkin!

We took a small pumpkin and a larger pumpkin to the water trough to see if they would sink or float.
We threw in the little pumpkin, and........
We threw in the large pumpkin.......
And.....IT FLOATED, TOO!!!!!!

Next, we all had little baby pumpkins......
and we decorated them!
We heard rumors that Pastor Ty used the little pumpkins for "Pumpkin Olympics" during noon recess!!!

He did do a little carving for us.....
This one is regurgitating actually..........
This is a HUGE pumpkin.....

The HUGE pumpkin ATE the little pumpkin!!!!!!
It's have to admit!!!!

We had frito pie for lunch, with drinks, the pumpkin cake, and then later we had gummy worm cupcakes and punch along with goodie bags to take home!
It was a truly incredibly fun day!!!


  1. Hannah & AJ have been rolling that little baby pumpkin across the floor, like they did in the pumpkin olympics! I believe they had a blast with Ty!

  2. The Pumpkin cake is SO CUTE!! I wish you were my Kindergarten teacher when I was little.. Yall have TO MUCH FUN! :)
