Thursday, October 22, 2009

JCA Day 41 The Branding!

Today was the day that we each took a turn reciting our most recent scripture:
2 Timothy 1:7........God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power (that's what Hannah is doing),
love, and a sound mind (that's what Tristan is doing). They each took their turn, and they all knew their scripture!

Practicing our STAR words with Ms. Corrina!

We had a super surprise today.........
Ms. Heather made PUMPKIN ROLL for us!!!

The big event of the day was Pastor Ty branded his calves!
Clay roped them and drug them to the fire.....
Jeff and William flanked them, Ms. Corrina vaccinated them, and Pastor Ty branded them!
Quite the eye opener for some of us!!!

PE DAY!!! Always fun!
We played "What time is it Mr. Wolf?"

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