Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Nature Trip: JCA Day 13

We took a little hike today, and we ended up in the barn! This is Trigger. He is 25 years old and is one of the horses Ms. Corrina uses for Blessings Equine Therapy.
He was so sweet to let all kids pet him and feel his soft nose!
This is Peppy....32 years old! He was more than happy to show us his teeth AND his tongue!!!
On our hike, we found the garden! We found tomato plants, jalapeno plants, a squash plant, a bell pepper plant, and the herb...basil. The basil smelled so yummy!

We tried to do a rainbow experiment today with didn't work! So, we will try again another day!
Emilia shared yesterday with us about her special uncle!

Another great day at JCA! We worked on the letter "e" again today and the sounds it makes. Plus, we practiced writing the "e" as well.
We continued to talk about Noah, the ark, and the rainbow. Our science experiment was supposed to make a rainbow out of crystals........oh well! We'll do it again!
We practiced the numbers 2 and 3.
It turned out to be a very interesting day with our nature hike which included the garden, the barn, LOTS of horses, tack, and even stickers! It was rather hot, too, but so much fun!
Ms. Frances came today which is one of our favorite things ever! We are working on a little surprise for Grandparents' Day celebration next Friday on September 11th!

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