Thursday, September 17, 2009

JCA Day 22 Ants

We ate ants today! Well........they were called ants!
Miss Bailie did some research and found out interesting facts about ants.
They have three body parts, six legs, they are insects, they have feelers and pinchers....
And......they can carry two times their body weight! That would be like Miss Bailie carrying Miss Corrina around!
Our ants were made out of marshmallows and pretzels.
They were the best ants ever.......YUMMY!!!
One of our favorite times of the day is story time with Miss Corrina.
A great way to end the day is singing "Jesus You're My Superhero"...
You're my best friend!!!!!!
We are so excited about tomorrow......We are headed to the Staked Plains Roundup at the New Mexico Junior College! JCA's first field trip! YEA!

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