Tuesday, September 15, 2009

JCA Day 20

The last couple of weeks, we have been discussing our senses: our sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch, and how grateful to God we are for all of those blessings and abilities. Today Ms. Corrina had a bag of goodies. Everyone took turns sticking their hands in the bag (without looking!) and trying to pull out two object that match.
We had to feel and feel!
It was hard to come up with a match!
Some things were soft........
some were rough.......
Some were hard......
Some were soft.......
And it was so COOL to find a match!
In honor of this week's letter "o", we talked about Jesus, the One and Only! We talked about how Gabriel came to Mary and told her she would have a son and name him Jesus. We learned about how he was a baby that had to be burped and have his diapers changed, and then how He grew up into a man who was a carpenter.
Then, we talked about how He chose to die on the cross for our salvation and for our sins. He didn't have to, but He loves us so much He did it anyway. We looked at a big bolt that looked a lot like the nails they drove through his hands and feet. What a sacrifice for us! We told Him ....JESUS....... We love you!
Carter shared his weekend story with us about what all he and Henrietta did!
Fun, Fun, Fun!
Another thing we did today was make our second bundle of "tens" on our place value chart! It was day #20, so.....we have two bundles of ten straws!! How exciting!
A great day!


  1. how fun. You are amazing and it is apparent that you are in your calling. god is good.

  2. Hi Crill!!

    I'm wishing I could go to kindergarten again!! You guys look like you are having sooooo much fun!!!

  3. I can be a part of your letter of the week...not too many have names that start with the letter 'o'!!!
